Hello, I am John Collins; my ambition is to improve the golf practice experience for all golf range and practice centre customers as I believe that must be in the interest of all.
Having spent many years working with golf ball production facilities worldwide one consistent frustration as a distributor in the past was that ‘Range Balls’ have, in all honesty, still not improved much in the last 10-years despite marketing images to the contrary and new manufacturers appearing in Europe. Many range operators are still confused by distributor’s descriptions, high street brands claim various performance options but it is still the case that few, if any, range balls provide meaningful practice for good players. That situation is what we have addressed in recent years to find a cost effective way of providing more expensive specifications usually destined for the retail sector but adapted for our trade at a price competitive with any range ball sourced through European distributors or high profile brands.
Our 2pc Academy Ball specification is literally taking off in the USA and Asia under different branding. And we have an increasing number of U.K. customers now using this specification with great success. Our customers now include arguably the most successful clubs in Europe. For example, Germany: Golfschule Koln in Cologne, GC Riedhof and GC Beuerberg near Munich. Austria: The famous Thermengolf resort. The reputation and customer base extends to prestige clubs in Switzerland and Luxembourg. In 2018 France saw Legolfnational stocking Academy Distance Balls in this their Ryder Cup year. In the U.K. The Belfry and many more highly discerning facilities are now providing their customers with the very best practice balls available AND at a Range Ball prices with Range Ball durability.
Golfers are increasingly more discerning so if your range balls are literally falling short of the target there is now a proven and cost effective alternative to offer your customers a better deal……. Don’t stock range balls, stock Academy Practice Balls!
On a personal note, I really enjoy working in this part of the golf industry so would now like to extend our service to more golf operators that may never have even considered having balls manufactured for them. Many of our customers have become friends and that, for me, should be a good recommendation but we will, of course, supply references as required. A few testimonials have been added to this website.
I do hope to speak to you next time you consider practice ball options for your facility,
All the best
0044 0 1903 787326